There are not many people that know who their guardian angel is...I do. After my mom left this earthly life and moved on to that place we call heaven, my precious 6 year old nephew said "Wow, cool I never knew anyone in heaven"....I often think of this amazing phrase that came from my little nephew Caden. I often wonder... why can't I have that same simple attitude and understanding. Just last week my other 4 year old nephew was talking to my sister as she was crying and having a hard time. She told her 4 year old son... "Nicky I miss grandma"... and as calm and reassuring as a parent would say to their child this little boy said to his mom ..."It's ok, grandma is happy"... It amazes me the faith, hope, and love these little children possess. I think children know and understand things we do not and have forgotten as this thing we call life has taken its toll on us. It is a blessing to be surrounded by them and to be reminded of how simple this plan here on earth is. I try to remember the big picture and think of that day when I will see my mom's sweet face smiling at me and feel her warmth and arms around me once again. How I truly long and live for that day. My mom is everything I strive to be, everything I hope to be, and everything I am determined to become. Looking back I realize how lucky I was to have her not only in my life but as my mother. She taught me, she molded me. What a great blessing she was to me. I can only hope I was a small fraction to her of what she was to me. I wish I could tell her... I think about her constantly and her example reminates in my mind every second of every day. I am grateful for her and everything she gave me in the short time I had her. My mom gave me, in a brief period of time, what takes others an eternity to give and teach their children. She had become all she needed to become here on this earth and was ready to move on. Although I sometimes wish she could have been less perfect than she was so she could still be here with me but I try to understand the big picture and remember like my little nephew said that she is happy. I have learned so much in the past 2 years. More than I had bargained for that is for sure and am still working on being grateful for the trials that overtook my family the last year. But I learned how much I love my family. I learned how much I love my parents. I learned how much I love my siblings. There is not one day that goes by that I don't tell them how much I love and cherish each one of them. Family is what keeps us going here on this earth and how grateful I am for the eternity of them! I love you mom, with all of my heart and more!
ok crying hard, thanks for that really I feel good having a moment to really remember her. She is our guardian angel huh, just yesterday a very brilliant thought popped into my mind to a problem I've been having. Im sure mom put it there to help me be a better person.
I didn't know caden said that, It is awesome that they are so sensitive to the spirit and think of things so simply. That was a really nice tribute to mom shannon I really loved it. You said everything just right way to go. did it feel good? love you jen
I really enjoyed everything you said. I miss Chris so much. She always was so kind and loving to me. My biggest regret was that I couldn't be there for her towards the end, but I know she was in good hands. I know that she touches and influences all of our lives now. I love you Chris.
What beautiful and touching words you have shared. I often wonder how you are doing so it is good to hear of all the tender mercies that you and your family are receiving. Your mother is truly beautiful in so many ways. The scriptures mention several times that there is none greater in the kingdom of heaven then a little child and I think we can catch a glimpse of that through their innocent and honest words. Take care and God bless. You are always in my prayers.
Ok, so I am sitting at my desk at work in the middle of the day, crying!! How do I explain this to my co-workers? :)
I love you Shan. I was so lucky to have known your mom. I love your whole family. My first trip ever to St. George was with your family, and now I LIVE HERE. Crazy, huh? I remember on that trip when we all went to Mesquite and on the way back, your mom, Jenny, Tara, you, and I all rode in the car together and we sang - (so loud) the song "Goodbye's the Saddest Word" by Celine Dion. It was a very touching moment and I think about that time a lot. The words of that song are so sweet and I think you should keep singing that song in your heart to your mom, always. Your family has always been such a great example of what families should be. Your love for each other is and always has been so strong. I LOVE YOU ALL, HUMPHREY'S. And now I am crying even harder. Oh boy!
Love you, Jodie
Wow! Shannon, that was the most beautiful, touching words I have ever read. It really brought back a lot of memories about your mother. I miss her so much too! But I can't even imagine how you and the rest of the family feel. Chris was always such an example to me. She always knew how to make me feel better when I was having a hard time. I know she is doing just that in heaven. She is continuing to uplift and teach by her example. Thanks again Shan for these touching words. Love you all! -Nicole
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