Just thought I would briefly mention our first family outting to Lagoon this last weekend. Perhaps some of you will learn from my HUGE mistake. Saturday morning some friends of our gave us free lagoon tickets. How can you pass up free right?....I now know that you should actually PAY someone to not let you take an almost 2 year old to Lagoon. :) It was pretty awful. Let me just lay it out. There were a billion million people there. We had to wait in line to get into Laguna Beach! When we finally got in and got all changed and rented our tube and got into the water...Carter freaked!! He hated it. Wouldn't even touch the water. He had not had a nap yet which made things worse. But hey its Lagoon who needs a nap! Disaster...so 10 minutes later we packed up and ditched laguna beach. We tried to go on a few rides but ended up leaving because the lines were so ginormous and a look of terror came over Carter's face everytime we got close to a ride. I talked Jason into trying at least the sky ride! No harm right. Jason was terried of Carter falling through the bottom of the chair but I assured him we would all be fine. We got to the very top of the ride and it stopped for I swear what seemed like forever. Carter then began to sign to us "ALL DONE"! We were like no no Carter you can't be "all done" when you are 300 feet suspended above ground. We made it out in one piece with vice grips on Carter and all the color drained from our faces. We did make it onto the little train which rode past a bunch of empty cages. Yahoo. It was now 7 and Carter along with Jason and I were done for. We ran over to Pioneer Park to get some dinner where Carter zonked out in my arms. So to sum it up we drove all the way to Lagoon to sit on the grass, walk in and out of Laguna Beach, be terrifed on the sky ride and experience an empty train ride...Note to self never take an almost 2 year old to Lagoon. :)